Tuesday 2 December 2008

Angels in My Life

On the way home, thinking of my advent calendar and opening the second day, I thought about what image to use for my blog Christmas calendar. I was settling on angels because they begin with "a" when I thought about the real angels in my life.

My husband is the greatest of them all. Without his patience, friendship and love, I would not have had a reason to climb out of the pit. And I would not have grown as much as I have during our many years together.

My children each in his and her way have given me precious gifts. My son gives me friendship, honesty and the time to listen to me. My daughter gives me friendship, strength, and the ability to do things I fear. She too gives me time. My mother who is my friend like no other gives me wisdom, laughter, and time.

My mentor and close friend, Jack Penha gave me the gift of poetry; taught me how to teach; kept me on the right paths when I strayed down tangled ones; and requires nothing of me other than my self.

Then there are former students, like Brandon Weaver, who is the rock in my life, who cherishes me and makes sure I know it, who worries about me and takes time in his full life to check on my wellbeing.

How can I not be thankful this season whefen I realise how much I have in my life.

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